A qualified cosmetic dentist will be required to fit your porcelain veneers. Melbourne has a large number of dentists but not all have the cosmetic dentistry qualifications to fit porcelain veneers.
If you want the professional dental care you deserve and you’ve been looking to find a dentist that fits porcelain veneers near me, then you’ll be pleased to hear Dr Cao is the best Melbourne dentist for you.
What are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are a type of cover for your teeth and are often a popular solution used to improve your smile which has a major impact on your self-confidence. Your teeth are not extracted but a veneer attached to cover your existing tooth.
Porcelain veneers are made from a ceramic that is match to your tooth colour, is crafted for you specifically and bonded to the outer surface of your teeth / tooth.
The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are a great material to use as they can be custom made and easily fitted to your teeth, they look natural and are long lasting. Porcelain veneers protect the tooth to which they are attached and provide a more aligned, white smile. For those looking for porcelain veneers Melbourne, they are a great option for crooked, chipped, discoloured or teeth with worn edges or gaps.
The benefits of porcelain veneers reach beyond the work done on your teeth. When you feel free to smile confidently, you feel more at ease and it has been proven your self-confidence improves. No more hiding your teeth behind your hand when you laugh or keeping your mouth closed when you smile in fear people will see your teeth.
Do you need Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain Veneers are just one type of dental veneer as an option when considering veneers. Your qualified cosmetic dentist will determine if veneers are the best option after assessing your oral health. Until a thorough dental assessment has been undertaken, it will be hard to determine if porcelain veneers are the best option.
What is the Process for Porcelain Veneers in Melbourne?
Depending on the state of your oral health, porcelain veneers are a great long term option that requires approximately 4 to 5 appointments, including follow-up reviews. Because porcelain veneers are more in-depth than composite veneers (resin based), there are, understandably, more appointments necessary.
Once an oral assessment has been completed and it has been determined that porcelain veneers are the best option for you, mock-ups are completed and any further changes made before a colour is selected to match the rest of your teeth.
Any identified dental work that needs to be performed before the tooth or teeth are prepared for your porcelain veneers, will be completed.
Your teeth are then lightly prepared by shaving off a small amount of the tooth structure so the veneer will adhere to your current tooth. Once your teeth are cleaned and ready, the veneer will be adjusted as your dentist requires, and bonded to your tooth using a curing light, which takes about a minute.
Once complete, you will be booked in for future review appointments. You will also be given any dental care information needed to ensure you can look after your brand new porcelain veneers.
Finding a Dentist who Provides Porcelain Veneers Near Me
Our dental clinic is a great option for having Porcelain Veneers fitted. Dr David Cao is experienced in all aspects of general dentistry and has extensive experience in cosmetic. He is a member of ADA, OM and Australasian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics.
Having performed many porcelain veneers dental procedures, our dentist is highly proficient. Coupled with state of the art dental technology, Hawthorn East Dental should be your preferred dentist for all your dental needs.
We encourage you to ask any questions you may have as this will help you feel more comfortable with the process. Book a time with us today and you’ll see why we are a preferred choice for Porcelain Veneers Melbourne.